Lincoln County Pathways

Lincoln County Pathways Academy is Davenport's Big Picture Learning school, one of approximately 85 in the country and 180 in the world. In this project-based learning model, students design and align learning to their interests. This is also a competency-based program in which students must meet standards in Communication, Quantitative Reasoning, Social Reasoning, Empirical Reasoning, Personal Qualities and Knowing How to Learn. 

Students in Pathways also go out to learn about the different businesses and careers in our community. These Leaving to Learn experiences are extensive mentorships, requiring 100 hours in the Freshman year, then 150, 200, and finally 250 hours in the senior year. Hours do not accumulate from year to year. 

Three times a year students must defend their learning in the form of Exhibitions, or the presentation of their online portfolio, where students show what they have learned and accomplished for the trimester.

To join Pathways, students must complete an application and interview process. The application is available on the district website. Pathways is currently full, but does accept applications for a waitlist.